Kuali research WEBINAR

May 26, 2022 @ 12:00 EDT

Cyber Security & Academic Research: Protect your data and your funding

Michael Corn
CISO, UC San Diego
James Black
Engineering Manager, Kuali

Wednesday, August 12, 2020 1:15 PM ET
Followed by Live Q&A

With cyber attacks on the rise, institutions of research and higher education should take steps to protect their data and ensure they don’t jeopardize eligibility to receive grants and contracts. In this webinar, you will hear from security experts from UC San Diego and Kuali Research as they discuss the state of cyber security and best practices for addressing vulnerabilities. Join the webinar the learn:
  • What could be threatening your data
  • How are institutions at risk of losing research funding opportunities
  • What are the federal cyber security requirements
  • What has been done at UC San Diego to implement best practices
  • How can SaaS vendors become a key part of your security plan
  • What questions are being asked by your peers during the Q&A session
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